I want to discuss celebrating other women. I love that there is a new movement that features women supporting and collaborating with each other versus competition. One of my favorite things is collaborating and working with other creative women.
It’s incredibly important for me to celebrate other women and their accomplishments. Not just historical figures, but my contemporaries. My friendships with women have always been a support system, especially over the past 3 years. I’ve gained 5 close friends that have helped me grow. We’ve shared laughs and most importantly we’ve been there for each other in moments of sadness, stress and frustration. Other women have always been my biggest supporters and there to bounce ideas off, help me with details, etc.
Celebration of women is an aspect in a lot of the work I create. Their strength, brilliance and beauty revitalize my work. I love the dynamic, multifaceted women I photograph who bring so much to this world. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than a woman who knows her worth?
Throughout a woman’s life they will go so many changes. In your teens figuring out what it means to be a woman and twenties you are figuring out what it means to be yourself. Now that I’ve hit 30 I find myself figuring out what it means to combine the two, to be my own woman and follow only the projects that excite me. Telling the stories of people who inspire me, helping people discover things about themselves they didn’t know.
So honor your friendships, your contemporaries, women of all colors, shapes and sizes. All of the women who have made you who you are today.